Canceling a Netflix subscription and continuing to use it after a long time?

- in Free

I want to get Netflix to watch a certain series. But first I want to use the trial month and then decide whether I keep looking and pay or whether that's enough for me. I read that you can reactivate Netflix for 10 months after you cancel. Is it possible that I now use my I Ban Register to use the free month, take a break or even not watch for longer than 10 months then register again with the same IBAN, i.e. Bank card, or is it then blocked for Netflix because it has already been used has been?


You get the free month if you are a new customer but you only get it when you have paid.


The free month has been changed. Currently you have to pay for the 1st and get the 2nd for a trial. So your plan doesn't work out.


Since when? Can you send me a link to this?


Ohh I read it


Has been changed again


Nice trick but that has been changed (luckily).

Pay first, then receive a trial month in the second month.