Who of the streaming service users still watches normal television?

- in Free

I have Sky and Netflix and I don't watch regular television at all. There's just way too much advertising for me.

I would be interested in how it is with you. If you want you can write down the services that you use.

Do you still use free TV?


Just because not everything I watch runs on netflix / amazon.

trash tv is also the most fun with twitter


Once a month maybe… But the last time was sometime in December because of Christmas


I have Netflix and Amazon Prime and still watch TV on normal TV channels. But then I mainly watch documentaries, news and one or the other series.


I use permanently:

Disney +

I hardly ever watch normal television anymore because:

too much rubbish is running out
you can neither pause, wind, stop nor set the language or a proper subtitle
you are tied to fixed terms and can't see when you want
if you want to watch TV you have to watch what is currently on and you can only choose something to a limited extent
poor quality or stop with most channels no HD, Full HD and 4k resolution


Your points match mine quite well.