Netflix - how to watch more again?


I haven't had Netflix for sooo long - so long after the hype. Just somehow I watch almost no series or something, especially at the moment.

Most of the time I forget what really annoys me. I mean that costs money haha after all and if I never watch anything anyway, it makes no sense to continue spending money on it.

I just don't want to cancel my subscription because I like to watch series. The main problem is simply that I forget it or don't take the time to do that.

How can I start watching more Netflix again?


Start a good series, then you will automatically continue watching


What exactly is your question now?
if you get Netflix and don't watch it, that's your thing.

there are also people who register at the gym and never go there.

that is their business.

if you need a tip on how to think about Netflix. Well, you can set one or more days a week, e.g. Tuesdays from 7:30 p.m. Netflix 🤷🏻♀️

you can also cancel it if it is not worth it for you.


Actually, it is better not to watch Netflix and waste your time.


Cancel your subscription and good. Then you no longer have the 'pressure' to have to watch something.


But I like watching series ect


You write up

I mostly forget it

so you seem to know enough better things to do with your time. That is positive and nothing needs to be changed.