An evening together with a girl?


I was invited to her home by a girl. We're both 17, have been in a class since this school year and want to do some cooking together and then watch a little Netflix. So far we get along relatively well and often write to each other. She has family problems, which she communicates openly.

I told her privately that she can talk to me about it and that I'm there for her. I feel no different, but I don't like to communicate that to our circle of friends. She said we can talk about it privately.

Now it is not entirely absurd that we should come to this topic. So it gets a little emotional too. So we probably get close physically.

Now my question: could there be sex in this situation?

I'm by no means aiming at it, because she is really important to me - amicably. But in my opinion you can't really prevent that in this situation and I don't want to address it in advance.

What is your opinion and how do the girls / women feel about it?


Hardly likely. Especially when you talk about family problems, you don't even think about sex

Otherwise please prevent, otherwise there will be more problems


The conclusion on sex strikes me as kind of strange. Wouldn't go in there with this expectation, she wants to pour out her heart to you. Has she ever made any hints or flirted?


Cuddling, caressing, physical closeness can of course easily happen when you're watching a movie together. For many this is the real goal of "watching TV together"…
But that doesn't have to mean sex right away. There are still a number of steps between the first intimacies and real sex, right? Start by chatting, cuddling and gentle petting and see what it leads to.


Why do you get close physically when you want to cook together and discuss problems?

Yes, of course that happens when you both get up to it. But if you don't want to (as you write), then you can stick to it.

What are you afraid of now? You'll notice when she wants to. Do not put yourself under pressure. There's no shame in going home without sex. It is important that you have discussed your problems. After that you can certainly deal with each other much more freely.


I can't give you a correct answer, I don't think anyone here can but I would like to give you some advice.

Sure it can come to sex and I would allow you / you too, but one shouldn't rush anything… You said she has family problems and I think the most important thing for her is to have someone you trust… I think you can do a lot with a woman break it by "going ahead" too quickly (especially because women rely on empathy and emotions to a greater extent than men). It seems like this girl is going through a rough time and I can well imagine that she wants to use sex as a "way out" to briefly forget when you understand. I'm of the opinion that a person who listens and helps bring more for the first time… Show her that you are there and that you can have great time and the next time it will start.

This is of course just a boy's request and you should also get advice from the female side, but I hope it goes well no matter what happens.


Thank you, you understand me.

First and foremost, I'm a person of trust and for this she has thanked me several times. She also said that I was very important to her.

I'm also not a guy who wants to take advantage of you, as I said, I don't aim at that.

But also have the same feeling as you that she might see it as a way out. But if it comes to that and we cuddle with each other, further steps can't be ruled out.

I just don't know how I can avert that. I don't want to get injured and you shouldn't regret it in retrospect. But if it comes to that, I don't know how to react.


You're right.

I don't want to hurt you and you shouldn't regret it either. But if we should get close, I just don't know how to avert that.

Can't you say: "Hey, sorry, but I can't do that with you now".

What happens after that? That's what I'm scared of.


Yes I understand. I think you will notice whether she is really serious when she comes "closer" to you or whether it is just a distraction… There are a lot of feelings behind.


Thank you!