Do you have a TV in the bedroom or do you belong to the group that doesn't have a TV in the bedroom (in principle)?


I belong to the second group… I watch a lot of television (or stop Netflix / amazon prime), a lot even… For several years.

But I don't want a TV in the bedroom. I can't put my reasons into words, but in the bedroom I want "my peace".

Which faction do you belong to?


I have one in the bedroom but only use it when I have the flu or a fever. Something like that is very practical, but otherwise it's off


I want to sleep there, nothing else.

The sofa is so comfortable that falling asleep is no problem when you are totally tired or tiring TV programs 😉


That has been researched: The flicker and the glaring luminosity cause stress hormones in the body to spin and thus problems with falling asleep.

There should always be a time lag between watching TV and falling asleep, which is usually not the case with TV in the bedroom.


You wrote the first answer possibility weird. There's a TV in the bedroom and not a bedroom in the TV xd


I just don't have a place. My bedroom is 2 feet by 4 feet. Is just there to sleep and to store clothes.




I'm more against a TV in the bedroom. A big one in the living room is enough for me. Spend a lot of time on the living room sofa anyway. You can fall asleep in peace in the bedroom. Most of the time I watch things on the internet anyway and if I want to see something before going to bed, I can do it on my mobile phone.