How to get rid of annoying habits from your girlfriend?


I come straight to the point:

She and I sit together on the couch in the evening and look at different clothes. Google search, clothes etc. I jump from one picture to the next and you give your opinion IMMEDIATELY (after approx. 1 sec) if you don't like it. And about something like "Uwäää, I don't like that" or "Ne, never in life"… Etc. I just SWIP from picture to picture and you immediately add your mustard.

Second annoying habit:

We're watching a Netflix series (Big Bang Theory) and something funny, stupid happens. She talks in, makes a comment and I miss everything afterwards…

Meanwhile I started to rewind and watch the scene again but it always simmered in me…

When I talk to you about something (some criticism of her), she is immediately offended and stops talking for a while… It's for milking mice. No matter how kindly and good-natured I can tell her that a few things annoy me about you and yet you almost cry or is immediately offended.

I have the suspicion (I have already researched and also through statements from her) that your punishment as a child (if you did something) was deprivation of love and that is why you react to criticism in this way (of course I can also be wrong). If she gives me criticism (this happens very rarely), I react prudently and say that I will try to change it and pay more attention to it.

So I just need a few psycho tricks on how I could subconsciously get rid of those annoying traits…

I'm grateful for any advice!


Do the same… You will quickly notice that it is annoying


Just accept it as it is. I would get the crisis because you are watching something as level as Big Bang theory.


Tell her not to talk… She has to deal with it. If it doesn't change, don't watch movie with her anymore