I screwed up?


Hey i'm stupid I recently signed up somewhere (similar to Netflix) and haven't read the terms of use. Since I did not cancel within the 3 test days, the premium contract was automatically activated for one year… Now the fun costs 400 euro, but I didn't know that! Do you think my parents have a chance to somehow change that? We're pretty rich, but I'm still so uncomfortable! 🥺😭


You can ask the provider, but basically you have entered into a sales contract and the provider will probably not simply want to cancel.


Do you think my parents have a chance to somehow change that?

Yes, you are still a minor.


Did you get an email with the 1st manure? Me too, even though I didn't register there. So are you sure that this is not a fake? If so, it has to be paid for. I think 400 EUR for a year is also a lot… LG


Yes i got the mail, but i still remember that i signed up


If you are under 18, this contract that you have entered into is only effective if your parents agree. If they don't, it is ineffective. Didn't you have to give your age anywhere? That would be important to know now


Ka, I don't remember


If you are a minor, your parents can, so to speak, forbid you to buy such expensive things and if I remember correctly every company or business has to take the product back and pay the money back. Because under 18 you are not yet fully competent.