Smart TV: can neighbors access my TV?


Today I activated this internet function youtube netflix etc. I can now connect my mobile phone connection to my Smart Tv and can use YouTube. But I don't want neighbors watching something unsuitable to connect to my Smart Tv. Can they do that? If so, how can I deactivate this "connect to other devices" option


They can only access the TV if they are on the same Wi-Fi as the TV and you.

You can also switch this function off.


I only connect my TV to my mobile phone, so then I can use my mobile network via Smart TV


On the one hand you get a message whether you allow it, whether the device is allowed to connect to your TV, on the other hand you can set it in the settings so that only your device is allowed to connect to it.


But where is this attitude?

Have a Samsung Smart Tv


Also have one from Samsung. Find a little, it's not difficult to find. Since I'm not at home right now, I unfortunately can't tell you exactly.