Wi-Fi stalls when downloads load. Pages load very, very slowly, what to do?


I've been a Vodafone user since yesterday. Before that, I also had a 16 line at Telekom. The conditions have not changed compared to Vodafone. Now I've had constant problems since switching. On the one hand, I achieve a maximum of 700 kb / s with the EasyBox 804, while I downloaded 1.1 MB per second with the old Telekom Speedport W 723V Type B. However, the Easybox 804 reaches 1.3MB / s via cable. Now you might think it's up to the computer's Wi-Fi receiver - but it was able to access more data beforehand.

However, there's also a second, much more annoying problem. If I start a download or turn on a video on Netflix, then I can't use the Internet - for example on my smartphone (same Wi-Fi connection), because it feels like the whole Wi-Fi is flowing into the first application. The pages then load incredibly slowly. Whatsapp no longer updates. What amazes me is that if I download something and use about 700kb / s, 600 kb / s should actually still be available, but then every other Internet application is miserably slow.


16k is unfortunately relatively little bandwidth these days.

If you do not get the specified bandwidth, it is possible that your WLAN adapter on the PC is too weak.

Logically, when you start a download, a large part of the bandwidth is used for it.

Then other devices have to work a little more economically during that time.

After all, you can't get 10 different downloads all at maximum speed at the same time.


What amazes me is that if I download something and use about 700kb / s, 600 kb / s should actually still be available, but then every other Internet application is miserably slow, even though I'm using my mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy 10e ) yes use a second device. Even if you say that the computer can't download full speed, at least the cell phone can access the rest of the data. With the difference of 600 Kb / s, the Internet should load, but not miserably long. When I download something I'm not using the full internet speed.

In addition, there were no such problems with Telekom under the same conditions. Both were 16k line.


I only load 1.3 Mbits per second for downloads (16 line) sucks, for me it is because of the length of the living space there's only 1.3 Mbits, although 6 Mbits are sometimes displayed with Internet connection, but most of the time it is. Do you live in the city or in the village in a newly built area or, like me, in a building from the 80s?


Unfortunately I had these problems 2 years ago when I had a 16k line. Switched to 100k and it was a whole different world.

As I said, downloads in the Kbit range are unfortunately not very fast and stable. It is simply due to the performance of the router / WLAN adapter.


You are missunderstanding this. I don't reach 1.3 MB at all, but about 700kb, so 600kb is not used by the download on the PC. However, the Internet stalls even though 600 kb should be available


Oh well, I don't know what to do next Sry


This is not about the slow line. It is important that the computer only gets 700kb of the 1.3 MB. The remaining 600 kb that the cell phone would then have to access are apparently not used because the pages do not load at all


If you download via WLAN and the PC only reaches half of 1.3MB, then something else is being downloaded in the background or the performance of the WLAN adapter is not good enough.


It doesn't load anything else. And even if the PC's Wi-Fi adapter is not good enough, my Galaxy S10e smartphone should be able to access the remaining 600 kb / s.


It is best to call your provider and find out why this is so. They know better.


No, they only give standard answers


Sry, but who please switch from Telekom to Vodafone? Mei o mei, that was a big mistake. Don't worry about the devices, it's certainly not because of them. I have a 50 line at Vodafone, but it still stops every few days from the start, but luckily I'll be away from them soon and never again. Soon it will be 2 years since I have to deal with their zero performance. Now I'll definitely go to Telekom. I wish you many good nerves with Vodafone, toi toi toi

P. S. If you only signed the contract a few days ago, think about the recall time, this is usually 2 weeks, with some even 4 weeks. So you can cancel or terminate everything during this time without giving reasons.


Ufff. I'm happy to have the 12 MB / s. With 600kb I imagine that is really stressful. What you could do is replace the box. We had the same problem. We only received 25Mbits. From the 100mbits.

We then got the Fritzbox (instead of the box from Vodafone (gray))