What can you do with girls on a date?


I'll meet a girl tomorrow, we will go to me, the problem is that I don't have Netflix any more and we can't do anything wise, what do you think what can I do with her, she also said that, to be honest, she's not a girl for anything casual


You could make yourselves popcorn or whatever you want and then play some youtube or couple games


Girls like to talk, and they like to talk a lot, so talk to her. Not too intimate, please, and just get to know your character, you should feel good, so ask her if she wants to do something, otherwise just go for a walk or dig out a dvd. Wasn't done differently in the past.


You could also meet outside. You can pick them up, you can go for a walk and then sit down somewhere, get something to drink or eat and then just chat a little. In my opinion, this is more recommendable as a first date.


How old are you, if I may ask?

I would think of alcohol as the last solution and then maybe try to kiss later or get closer physically if you want something from her


Popcorn is a nice idea!

(not for the first date, I wouldn't look anything. But anyway!)