Is the government behind COVID-19?


In the tenth episode of the netflix episode My Secret Terrius (2018), the corona virus is mentioned and it will be used by around 90% of the world's population. In addition, there are stones in the usa (georgia guidestones) where it says that it is better if only 500,000,000 people live in the world. Deagel com also says that by 2025 the population will decrease drastically around the world. There are so many other clues. I'm just scared and I'm serious about that. What do you think?


After all, conspiracy theories can sometimes go too far.

It is obvious that the government has no halo. You certainly have more than enough dirt on it. However, I doubt whether the Corona Virus can actually be traced back to its actions.

A 100% reputable source for such a thing certainly does not exist. Each source will add its own mustard.


The corona virus that has now broken out is only one species within the corona virus. So the prediction from 2018 is already garbage. Do you think what any stones say


I have an interesting conspiracy theory about it. No idea whether someone is dealing with china here, but in fact it is that china has been helping countries with crises with money for years, so that the countries go into debt with them. China does not want money from the indebted countries, but they want certain trading points there to have some influence in the country itself, they are very communist in nature and the government there does not promote free will. China wants the countries to become dependent on you, so they have now helped Italy and I'm glad that Germany has so far refused to help China but countries that have no choice because the EU does not intervene have no other option. So china may even have put the whole thing together (because as you know, the direction of the government, people's lives there are relatively irrelevant) in order to force new trading places in developing countries and to expand their network and property further? Who knows. You already know that many important things such as medication that we need are produced for you. And that we already have a dependency somewhere (so always buy as much as possible reginal)

And on the subject of deaths, masses of people will die, especially in developing countries, where even intergenerational housekeepers are normal, which automatically has a tremendous support in the transfer from young to old. Diabetes is a pre-existing condition that affects millions of people (especially in the USA) and is extremely dangerous in connection with corona. And people in America can't afford the cost of insulin. The black numbers (i.e. The people who can't afford treatment there and therefore do not go to the doctor or simply because they are illegal in the country) are much higher than we will ever notice.

But these are just thoughts that I wanted to get rid of, I will certainly leave out aspects here that I don't know about. This is purely theoretical, even if it can even be demonstrated with china.


People like you are likely to choke from panic rather than die from the effects of the virus.

My condolences.


Oh well, you don't have to be afraid that the world will end. We're relatively safe here and are luckier than many others to be able to live here. As for the stones, try to stick to science more. In 2012, the world was also to go under because something was puzzled on stones, but of course that was nonsense.


All your ideas have only one shortcoming: China was on the best way and has massive drops in its development due to the massive measures.

Why should China, which is on such a good path, and especially the Internatinal benefit massively from the weakness of the Americans anyway, resort to such funds?


Well china is planning to build a supply chain from asia across europe, they want to improve the infrastructures everywhere in their favor. However, many countries are not so dependent on it, they have to ensure that countries become increasingly indebted. Not to mention the online trade that is currently on the ceiling. I don't think the whole thing weakens as much as we're told. China's holdings in foreign trading places will increase worldwide after the pandemic, and they would never have been able to do that anywhere else at the same time.

Now that everything is being tightened with us and many countries are in need, all measures are being relaxed in China. In the hospitals, the beds are said to be empty again. (The truth is not completely revealed to us, just like you tried to cover it up at the beginning)


As you can see from the current figures, the mortality rate is about as high as with other flu, namely by 1 per mille…

other infected / dead rates are i. D.R. On a high number of unreported infected people (not my invention, just listen to "real" virologists…)

What is new about Covid 19 is "only" that, in contrast to "normal" flu, there are no immunities in the population, that is, the spread of infection is exponentially quick - without contact restrictions - and that the hospitals are overwhelmed…

= if everything is "through", then 90% of the world population may have had Covid-19, but only a very, very small proportion of it dies…

(to 7 billion, there may still be millions, but just calculate how many people die each year, even if they would all live to be 100 years old… Or how many people die of flu, smoking, accidents, weapons, etc. Each year… - So a little basic statistical knowledge helps to keep the mind…)

and on a stone you can write everything on it, even that the moon belongs to me or you have orange eyes - no reason that this is true:-)


I have just found the technical term for it, china plans to build "silk roads", you will quickly find what you are looking for


This is not a conspiracy and not a secret. But to some extent simply beautiful reality. Chinese companies are building train routes. Wow. No there's no big conspiracy and the corona pandemic will not advance the construction of this either…

But as an aluminum hat wearer you can really take everything in your crude thoughts and see it as evidence.

Oh yes, the new Silk Roads are not a technical term but rather the PR word.


About as high as with other flu, namely by 1 per thousand…

It lies far above a pozent.


There's a difference whether the rates are based on the officially reported (and at least lagging, if not lower due to limited test capacities or test strategies) case rates = high death rates depending on the country up to over 10%

or whether - which is the only correct way from a medical point of view IMHO - based on the actual number of infected people

the dark figure 1:10 in Germany came from a virologist, but I also think that this is realistic when you see that tests are still only carried out if you show massive symptoms such as shortness of breath etc. - all "only" coughing not first tested, but a good part of it certainly has the mild form of Covid-19

this virologist even came to a death rate of only 0.04% (0.4 per thousand) - it should be 1 per thousand for simpler calculation…

= in Italy, for example, with over 10,000 deaths, this would mean 10 million infected instead of the officially reported 100,000 …

According to the 33,000 deaths worldwide, 33 million instead of 700,000 infected…