Can I write applications and do office applications with a Chromebook?


Find someone with whom I can write my applications (pdf files)

Vidros on youtube, netflix can watch in good quality and possibly can edit videos (pro version apps)

Is it all possible with a Chromebook? Or is there even a tablet or no buttons?


You can watch applications and videos with "any" device.
When cutting or even editing, a "real" PC is usually recommended, as the mouse and keyboard can be used to set and use the cutting points much more sensitively.
Doing this with touch will often give you outbursts of anger, as this can hardly be done cleanly here.


Also true


Yes, I tried it with a tablet… But if you've done that with a "real PC" beforehand, you'll notice that it can't be replaced by anything of this kind.


Connect mouse to chromebook? 😂✌


KA, if I buy a notebook, the question of "Chromebook" has been settled for me - my software is WINDOWS-related and therefore it did not apply to me personally. I'm a "programmer" under WINDOWS and use it.


Oki so windows definitely as a chromebook?


Of course, you can write applications and do Office applications on a Chromebook. For example, you can use Google Docs or install LibreOffice on the Chromebook via Linux.
If you want to know how you can work with Google Docs on the Chromebook, watch the video here:
Professional video editing is probably not possible on a Chromebook. YouTube and Netflix work, Netflix at least works at 720p.