Fake data for Netflix. What can this have for consequences?


I recently got a friend a Netflix account with fake data. I asked him if it was illegal and if it could have any consequences for me. Then he just said that it is not really legal but not illegal, but nothing can happen to me. I asked him where he got the account from, and he said he got it from a website that posts phone numbers with credit and you can use them. Can this have consequences for me now?
I'm looking forward for your answers!



(2) The attempt is punishable.

The largest subscription costs 13.99 euro - if you share the Acc with several people that is only a few euro per capita and legal. That should be worth it?


Let go of it. Often these are Acc. Stolen. If you want to see Netflix, pay for it as well.


OK thanks. Is it enough if I simply delete Netflix?


Basically that's enough. As long as you do not continue to use it and it is provable that you have used it, you need not fear anything. The likelihood is always low, the man in something like this is. But of 50 people you can be between the 7 people that have been stopped times I just say just times. But in principle it is enough to simply stop using the AC. You do not necessarily have to delete Netflix now.