Anime similar to SAO?

- in Anime

Do you know an anime that is similar to SAO (does not have to be very similar, but something) and that also has good graphics like SAO? And it should have it on Burningseries or Netflix. An answer would be great.


.hack // Quantum


So most typical of SAO there's not too much, at least I know nothing. However, which anime is quite often compared to SAO is Overlord. Since the first season is also available on Netflix. Overlord is about a guy who is also in a VR game and the servers should be shut down at 00:00, oddly enough he is not kicked out of the game and the NPCs are suddenly very strange. A really exciting anime with cool animations. However, he has few to no romance elements and the protagonist is the supposedly only player who is still in the game. But just for your information, the anime is a little bruttier than SAO, not that you're scared xD

To tell you maybe a few anime similar to SAO's story and characters (without game as the center of the story):

Seven Deadly Are
My Hero Academia
Rising Shield Hero
Blue exorcist
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


No Game No Life
Hunter x Hunter