Death Note movies?

- in Anime

I haven't watched Death in ages but recently I saw scenes on Tiktok that I never saw in the anime series. The commentary showed that the film was called Relight. I did some research and found the films too Apparently there are 2 parts of it. I wanted to ask you what the difference would be between the movie and the anime series? I took a quick look at it and thought at first that the whole anime was packed into two films, is it worth watching Relight? By the way, I also found some real film adaptations. I don't mean a Netflix movie, but… Apparently the movie was shot in Japan. And my last question is whether there's any new information about Death Note


Is the same as the season but with a few different scenes

there's new information about Death Note

what should be the new information? The anime has completely adapted the manga, the only thing that came was a Death Note One Shot 2020 which is a little later to the series


I didn't watch the second part, but I assume it is the recap from the second season, like the first movie, the recap from the first season


The two films are a summary of the normal series.