Is there really Aileen?


There are even stories on Netflix allegedly true incident that there's Ailens abduct one 😄

So I do not believe in it, but is there any tangible proof of that at all?


Yes, there really is Aileens. I also knew one personally, but it was a long time ago.

Sometimes they are also written with E at the beginning, and then groups sing songs about them.


Now you are really scary


Yesterday I wrote an answer to a relatively similar question:

In short, there are certainly lives on other planets, but the distances and periods in the universe are so great that it's almost impossible for aliens from other planets to visit us here on Earth. Everything else you can read more in the above linked answer, and also look at the movie, which I have posted in the comments on it, as the unbelievably large distances become clear


Since humans can think they will have believed in aliens.

At that time, the faith came through ignorance, one could not naturally derive anything from what happened in the sky

Today, even the people who know the most about the stars believe - the astronomers of extraterrestrials. For purely logical reasons.

There are 100 billion systems like our Milky Way and each of them will have around 100 billion stars - all sunning like our sun.

And of course many planets

So they will give it to the aliens.

But they will and hardly find. The earth is so tiny that one can only subjectively call it world.

Even from the direct neighboring star of the sun, that is the star closest to us (Alpha Centauri), you can't even see the earth with a telescope. She is a speck of dust in infinity - nothing more.

The distances are just incredible. Let's take the suns closest to our sun, our direct neighbors. And suppose they have planets.

Since you would with our fastest rockets already more than 50,000 thousand years! Be on the way - and then you have to go back.

If aliens could reach us then they are technically infinitely wider than us. And we would be as primitive to them as cows in the pasture.

No encounter at eye level, nice day