Will be blocked?


Could my Netflix account be blocked if I give my login details to my brother so that he logs in and takes a page for him?

So I did it and then I got logged out of my account and my brother just couldn't even log in

What do you think what is the proplem?


No, that's why no accounts are blocked and if you live in the same household, it is even allowed according to the terms and conditions. However, nothing else is happening at the moment.

Did your brother screw up your login credentials?

Otherwise, I would contact Netflix Support, because they can tell you why the account was blocked, unlock it if necessary, and undo account changes such as changing the email address.

You can reach Netflix support here: https://help.netflix.com/...lix.com/de
Click either on "Call Us" or "Start Live Chat". You will be guided directly through all further steps.


Many thanks

It worked, they helped me 👍


Could it be that you have forgotten your password and can no longer log in because of it?


Gladly - I'm glad that the problem could be solved.