Is it bad if you prefer to sit alone in the room?


My mother and my stepfather bring up almost every day with the fact that I'm only in my room and "never come down". That's how it is with me, I could lie in my bed for days and watch netflix without social contacts. Even when I come down I get comments like "you're still alive" thrown at my head. Then I lose the desire to be down there. When I'm with friends I usually look forward to being back home and I love it when I'm home alone because nobody annoys me. Is it bad that I'm like that? Is it abnormal that I'm so anti-social?


Everyone's own…

but you should also think about your future and if you want it to go on like this…


I don't want me to be like that, but I can't really change it


Maybe not right now, but the chance will come and then you should just take it.


Aversion personality disorder has many people who behave like you


Yes, this is not normal. If you want to change it secretly then write me a message pn


If your behavior is not just a temporary phase, you will have a problem in the long run. Of course there are people who naturally feel more like loners, but our lives are community-based. Especially in school, training and work, you have to be able not only to endure other people but also to work with them. If you can't or do not want to, then in the worst case it could happen that you, as a socially outcast, spend the night under bridges or end up in a home. In addition, you will never find a partner along the way. Think about whether it might not make sense to seek therapeutic help right now.


Ask your psychiatrist what is the problem with your disorders.

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