Netflix series with simple English?


Do you know any good Netflix series with a slight English that you can improve your English a little bit because of the pronunciation and such?


New girl


Would you rather improve your British English or American English e.g. British English is what matters at school


Since I do not know your vocabulary, I can unfortunately not assess what is "easy" for you. But I can recommend you to watch a series that you already know. Then you already know what it is about and it is easier for you to understand the text.


The Big Bang Theory


Rather British


Then Sherlock Holmes might be something good. It is also a British series and I watched it to improve my English for school. It is a bit difficult to understand at the beginning because it is so unclear and fast, but you get used to it

How can I improve my English? Ca Canbrooklyn909
Is my english okay? Fi Fictionpale99