What can I / you do?


I've been sitting here for an hour and I'm bored to death. Does anyone know cool fun things to do against boredom? I don't feel like watching Netflix or anything at the moment. And I have had too much cell phone time for 5 days… (my mum would like me to reduce my cell phone time) So maybe someone has a tip without electrical devices? Would be great if I got a few answers quickly. LG and thank you in advance


I know it's a bit childish… But still funny:

Mix cornstarch with water. Is funny.


Haha, thank you, I'll try it right away… Haha I love that… Haha… You hit the bull's eye with me haha … My mum will be happy haha


Ahahahhahahaha feel free to write to me obs is fun xD


Haha yes xD








Read a book, tidy up the room, write a letter to the inner child, or even write a book. Listen to music, cook or bake something. Playing cards with the parents or a board game or just having a conversation. Think about the meaning of life or your own future. Play a musical instrument or try something that you have never done before, such as making music with water-filled wine glasses. Learn, knit, handicrafts. Build a bird house. To learn a foreign language. Practice handstand or headstand. Muck out the closet, do personal hygiene or take a bath. Try a new hairstyle - so comb it differently, blow-dry it or, if you're a girl, pin it up.


Learning new things is always possible (languages, etc.), but that's probably not what you meant.

Draw (0/8/15 tip, I know)

Learn skateboard tricks (it's really fun, it takes a while but try an ollie e.g. To get it)

Playing an instrument (you could also teach yourself to play guitar, drums, keyboard, but it would be very expensive if you didn't own any of these instruments)
Video games

Reading (some comics are also available online)

Gardening (at least I had fun the last few days, demoed all the joints)

Board games with the family

Jigsaw puzzles (if you also have a film / series with it, it's very relaxing)
Lying around and listening to music.
Solve Sudoku or other puzzle books

Those would be the things with which I can at least pass the time wonderfully, I hope something speaks to you.


Do you have homework


Gineal so many things love many thanks I'll try out a few things in a moment.


Wow so much too, thank you. I'm going to try a few things out right away.


No, not at the moment


Haha I've tried it now and it's really fun haha 😂



E.g. Rapid chess on the internet at lichess.org, and important: w i n n e n!

that drives away any boredom


Oh thank you, I'll try it out 🥰🥰


So right now I'm writing a nice letter or making a card to everyone that I like. You do something creative and it's fun AND it brings joy to others. The cards can be designed very individually. For example, I paint a picture on the front with watercolor paints and write a nice saying inside and a little something. I decorate the whole thing with glitter tape and a few stickers. Because right now I just can't play Minecraft. I need a break for this.


Ahhahahahaah yes no