Everything used to work normally, but now it always pops up, no matter where I try to open it does not work. Did someone have vlt too and can help me? Thank you
Go google
Congratulations Then you have no internet
No all pages that I open otherwise open (eg Youtube) except Netflix
How old are you? Do you have parents / brother that could have locked that (for example at the rout)?
Because if only one side triggers something then somewhere is a blockade and if you already have several browsers, then it probably is not synonymous with a script blocker with you.
14, no
And otherwise Netflix also works on my phone and aufm fernsehr only when pc does not work
Can you call this: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vqW-ZSFk72kJ:https://www.netflix.com/?
Something installed what it could block? Ne rule in a firewall? In the config file of Windows? Somewhere played around?