Netflix email Paypal hacked?


I just got the email that someone started a trial with my email on Netflix which expires on March 15th and then costs 11.99 euro per month?! And that is debited via my PayPal? Immediately afterwards came a spanish confirmation email that the account was allocated / redirected to another email?! What can I do?


Call Paypal if that's real and if so, clarify the matter.


First change passwords for email, PayPal and other things where you have the same email - password combination.

Then log into your PayPal account - then go to the Payments tab and manage PayPal payments using the direct debit procedure. Find and cancel the provider here, i.e. Netflix.


The funny thing is that my PayPal account is running via another email


Has nothing to do with it. If you fell for scam, it can happen. Usually your name is enough to find more things about you on the Internet and if, for example, your email addresses were visible somewhere, it can happen.

But it may also have happened that a page was attacked on which you ordered all of this data together. If the site is not well protected, you can read the PayPal payment email and the other email. And if both have the same password, for example, you have the salad.