Is my brother computer addicted?


My little brother (20) has been stirring me up for quite some time. For months, his daily routine looks like this: He goes to work, he works in IT, so he already sits there in front of the PC for 8 hours. He comes home, turns on the PC or Playstation, then often does not even have time to eat. Then he squats before at least midnight before to do the same again the next day. At FIFA, he often curses and has around on the table, which has often disturbed me while learning for my part-time technical training. I told him that again and again.

On the weekends, he goes away only once every two weeks with his friends, otherwise he squats at the weekend at home and gambling until 4 in the morning and whistles on the side of energy drinks pure.

Now that he's on vacation, it's especially bad. He has never left the house for the last 5 days. Has not showered for 3 days and showered every day at the 15 hours before PC or Playstation. He always switches between playing Playstation, surfing the PC or watching Netflix.

In the summer he goes to football training once a week, otherwise he raps all day long even after work.

I'm just upset that the TV is consistently occupied…


You could still buy a Fehrnsehr / monitor and then do in swin room.

Then the other is not occupied and you probably hear it. Not too loud.

As long as he works, everything is okay.

But it can be that the work stresses him too much and he therefore seeks distraction.




Maybe he is addicted, maybe not! Maybe he has trouble at work and just wants to distract himself from it. Not everyone who plays a lot is also addicted.

For me, it is true that although I play a lot, it also helps to distract me from my depression. Definitely better than going to a pub every day and filling up. But I can get by for days without gambling.

But with your brother, it may be as if anger and anger have accumulated over time. Something must have happened to him. Keep trying to talk to him in a calm tone and maybe you'll find something out.


What do your parents say about that? Does not that bother her, that he makes such a noise at night?

Whether he stinks or wastes his life gambling can't really matter to you. It is his decision. But you only need to worry about the things that concern you. Therefore, take your parents aside as a referee.

Since you both have a certain age and he has his education, moving is an advantage.

Now that everyone else cares about things like laundry, food, cleanliness, etc., he will not get away from playing so easily. So he has to be thrown into the cold water so that he recognizes certain priorities in his life.