Can you live frugally and still eat well?


I'm economical everywhere (e.g. New cell phone every 5 years, no expensive clothes, no Netflix / Spotify etc.), but the only thing I want is a diet with a lot of meat and I buy 100 grams of carpaccio that costs 5 euro, for example. Can you eat that when you only have 1000-2000 euro a month?


Of course you can, but why do you stop saving when buying meat?

I couldn't afford that


What do you mean exactly with 1000-2000 euro?

gross salary? Or budget for food after all the expenses?


Salary after taxes


At 1000 euro no unless you live in the country and don't have a car etc.

at 2000 (which is quite a jump) it will certainly work


The answer is "yes" and the keyword here is: Do it yourself!

Fresh beef sirloin costs less than 5 euro / 100g (usually around 3.50 euro). At home you can cut it yourself with a sharp knife!

Savings = 30%


I can't answer that in general because I don't know about your financial situation and I don't want to know either.

The fact is we live here in Germany in a throwaway society.

You should also save and only use and buy what you really need.

You don't always have to have the latest model of electrical device if the '' old '' device still serves its purpose.

And if you can save something on the side for an emergency, you can of course treat yourself to something, be it food, clothes or something else.

But it's different for everyone and everyone deals with money differently.

Some run from the latest trend to the next and howl when they run out of money in the middle of the month.

Some gamble away their money at the game library at the beginning of the month, some take credits that they can hardly pay back, if at all.

But there are also people who only buy something if they can really afford it.

Just make sure that it doesn't turn into a pathological saving.