How can the TV get broken?


I watched TV normally on my TV set, then I went over to netflix because I wanted to watch a series. When I did this, there was a loud click that came from the TV, which then turned off by itself. After I switched it on again the whole screen was in the defect. I did not touch, push or shove the TV.
The picture looks like some objects have been thrown in there, but as mentioned, that was not the case. Also, the screen surface is impeccable, no scratches or other traces show the power from the outside.
Was not a really expensive TV (350Fr.), But he is just 2 months old and I'm a bit confused as something can happen. Can someone tell me if you can pass in the shop and who can do something?
Need to mention it again, did not touch the TV and the screen surface is flawless!


There may be tension in the case or in the glass or where it is bolted and then when the temperature drops or pulls apart or pulls together it can surpass the barrel… With warranty that needs to be exchanged at best say I want my money because if something like that happens he has to be massively cheap in production


Alright, thanks, I'll contact the shop like that!


Picture 2 looks indeed as if a hard object hit the screen. The breaklines go star-shaped away from a point (an impact point?).
Could it be that somebody shot the display with a pneumatic weapon, without your knowledge and while watching TV?


Either you got so excited at Netflix looking and destroyed the TV and just looking for excuses…

Or maybe there's something not kosher there. But it looks more like violence. Of course, there are sometimes TV's which sometimes overheat or shatter because the glass was not quite good. Something is extremely rare


No, I did not do anything at all, but if someone told me so, I would blame myself too 😉
And if it was really your own fault, I would not ask a question here because I do not want or need an answer to it.


Yes Picture 2 really looks like an object has flown on it.
But like I did not touch him.
Do not want to accuse me because I know that I have not used external force.