How do I extend my attention span?


I (M15) have ADHD and I'm taking medication. I only take the Medikinet at school, where it helps me tremendously to concentrate. However, I have the problem that the effect wears off from around 2 p.m. So I can't even read a book or play a game for more than 20 at a time. I can't do Netflix for more than 40 minutes at a time, more like 20-30 minutes. Then I often watch some Youtube video for 2 minutes until I go to the next one, and that goes on for a very long time.

I also can't learn correctly because I chew on my pen after 5 minutes at the latest and suddenly half an hour has passed in which I did nothing. It is particularly bad that I can't read books because my attention does not participate.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to extend my attention span and how to better fight my ADHD symptoms in the afternoon? But without Medikinet, because I really don't want to increase the dose because the tablets have unpleasant side effects.


You should only discuss this with your doctor. You don't take medication just because someone suggested it. Especially since I can't imagine that you would get something without a prescription.


I'm in contact with my doctor, but I rarely talk to him because there are so few options.

He has never made any suggestions to me about any attention-keeping techniques or anything. I already had occupational therapy, but it didn't work.


Since you are still taking 10 mg in the afternoon but not ratified. It is important that you tell your doctor. So you can do it like this.


This can also be done by practicing. I used to take medication 60 mg twice a day.

Now I regularly take a break from smoking and then I can do it again


Why don't you ask him? If the doctor doesn't know your problem, he can't make a suggestion.