Netflix subscription standard or premium?


I want to make Netflix again. I do not know if it's better to get a standard premium subscription (HD available) or the premium subscription (Ultra HD). Which subscription do you have? Is it really worthwhile Ultra HD


That can't be said flat rate. If you use UHD-enabled devices and this is important to you, then it's worth it. If your hardware shows only 1080p, then you do not need the higher subscription.


The few euro difference hardly matter. Then better quality and more people with whom you can share the account (family, friends)


Well, who buys a TV set of 2000 euro, for the 4 euro a month play no role anymore. Otherwise the main advantage of the premium subscription is yes, that you can download 4 instead of 2 streams at the same time and 4 instead of 2 devices.

To UHD is also to be noted that only a few titles in UHD are available.