Do you know when you feel totally useless because:?


You have already done all the housework. (Cooking, washing, cleaning, …)
you are unemployed but you have already been accepted for a new job that is 2 months in the future.
you have already asked every friend whether he or she has time and the answer is always no.
the girlfriend is busy with her studies and doesn't come home until the weekend.
as I said, you simply have absolutely nothing to do.
you can't do anything because it's raining.
you can't do anything because everything is closed because of corona.
just watching Netflix and can't do anything and get bored.
only smokes shisha and doesn't really feel like doing it, but it does because otherwise there's no activity.
you turned the whole apartment upside down and cleared out and sorted out all drawers and shelves.
you can't pursue any hobbies because of the weather or the current corona situation.

what are you doing then?
I just watch Netflix the whole time and feel like I've already seen it through.


No, I don't know that, because then I can fall back on one of my twelve hundred hobbies. Those who are bored simply have no hobbies.


Yes, my hobbies are currently not corona


Then you should just be flexible and sensitive and expand your portfolio.


Personally, I honestly don't know anything like that.
But just go for a walk, you will always see something interesting.


I continue to educate myself in every possible form. Politics, history, social affairs and economics are my topics, about which I have read an infinite number of books and seen videos and documentaries.


Yes in itself quite good. But I'd be bored right now, because it's nothing else than watching Netflix. I don't like reading that much. But thanks.


Try to prepare yourself for your job. I don't know what you do, but you can prepare for any job and when you start in two months you can make a good impression on yourself.

Or you can educate yourself differently. E.g. You are learning a language or trying something different to be creative.

Then my tip at the end is to bring structure to your day despite lockdown etc. That means you get up early every day, do work and don't try to watch series all day. Then you could still plan to do sports every day at 7:00 p.m., for example.


No, I don't know anything like that, but then I would try to occupy myself somehow. For example, you could:

- To cook something

- Make sport

- Read

- To draw, to paint

- Make Easter cards

- To go for a walk

- Taking photos

- Write poems / stories

- Learn to juggle, moonwalk, do a handstand or something else

- Learn a language, expand your knowledge…


I do that again and again. But with the weather I don't feel like it. Because walking was getting boring for me, I bought a bike. But now it's too cold again…


There are also enough hobbies that you can do indoors. Besides that, are you made of sugar? There's no bad weather, just wrong clothes.


Yes, I would like that. But it's just an oral promise. I'm still waiting for the written one. It's difficult because the company has registered short-time work and wants to create a new position. It is most likely possible due to my unemployment status. But that's still pending. Otherwise I would have done that.

I tried to paint. This is not mine.
All training opportunities in English that are free of charge are unfortunately worthless. I know HelloTalk is okay, but nothing special. I would like to be in the UK or America to improve my english.

I'm already doing that with your tip. The ceiling falls on your head. You're going crazy with the corona and then cold weather…

but thank you for your words.


Thanks for your answer, but I've already done all of that.


Yes, I'm cute 😅 no kidding aside. I hate rain and cold. I'm only out there for the bare minimum. This is depressing weather.


So I learn z. B. Spanish and High Valyrian (from Game of Thrones) via Duolingo. Is more varied than just English and free.


Oh nonsense, get dressed and go.

I often work far too long on the PC, and when I go out it feels as if the brain is being ventilated. Just squatting at home makes you depressed.


Oh and one more thing, I started puzzling in the Corona period, that started with a bet… Long story… Something I've always hated.

Surprisingly, this is challenging and reassuring at the same time, and a real success result if I have progressed


Haha I've already thought about that 😅