Parents of Netflix convince despite Google Play?


A few days ago I bought only 30 euro Google Play credit because I thought you could still pay Netflix with it, but then I was disappointed! How should I persuade my parents to join Netflix despite my 'bad buys'? I did not ask them about Netflix because they said they can do what I want with these Google Olay cards.


Trying to swap the Google Play card for Netflix. Maybe your parents need something on Google Play themselves.


First of all: sorry but it's your own fault, just have to see if it works. And nobody knows how to persuade your parents, otherwise children would rule the world.


Have already redeemed with me


Ask your parents and if they say no, let them be and find your way.

I live a reasonably happy life and that without Google play, netflix or any other chargeable online stuff (at least not what I would pay for).

If you buy something, do not inform yourself, and then you're disappointed, that's simply your business


Did not complain about it but just told you that Netflix no longer offers to pay with Google Play is just like that!


I did not say you had complained. But if the payment with Google play is feasible or not you have obviously failed to inform you


Ohh then is not that easy. What do I know. Offer them help or something and then ask again later.