What is the best way to learn a new language with television?


My grandpa once said to me that you have to fully confront a language in order to learn it.

Now you can run a series in e.g. Spanish on Netflix and change the subtitle.

Does this have to be in German or in the same language?

How else can you confront the language?


Video games or films / series are indeed a good thing to deepen your language skills, but the basics should already be in place. You do not learn these languages out of nowhere, but once you understand the grammar and know the usual words, listening to others can help you learn contexts much better.

Then of course with German subtitles as help until you no longer need them.


In my opinion, the best way to learn languages is to talk to another person.

So speak the same language, a dictionary with the respective language is open.

Watch movies in language.


You have to hear and read in the same language.

But that's not enough. You have to deal with the language even more deeply.

So I try to learn German and English even better, but I have to write down every word that I don't know. That means I have to pause every time.

It is exhausting


You already need a base. But then it is indeed the best thing to immerse yourself properly, as far as possible to pull information or films in Spanish, but without German support.

Sure, you won't understand anything at the beginning. It makes sense to add German subtitles.

In general, it is always better at the beginning when there's more action than long discussions. This is how you understand the context.


How else can you confront the language?

By learning it directly in the country where the language is spoken. But even there, you have to have contact with the locals. There are Germans who have lived abroad for decades and have little or no knowledge of the national language.