Netflix account closed, still pay?


Something bad happened to me. I redeemed the test month on Netflix and quit immediately, but what I did not realize was that I already had a test month that I did not pay with my account. The following, on my GiroKonto were not 15,99 euro on it. I can't go down. (Am with the savings bank) And now there's "pre-recorded sales", what does that mean? Today, a letter has arrived where it says: "Due to the missing or insufficient account coverage, we can't use the SEPA direct debit from 19.08.2019 … We have therefore returned it to the payee…". A Netflix supporter said if nothing can be booked, the Netflix account is shut down and there are no fees or similar, (the Netflix account is closed) is that true? Or do I have to pay the 15.99 euro anyway, although my Netflix account is already "shut down"?


Well, if Netflix has a claim for payment, they could theoretically enforce it. However, if the support tells you that they will not do that, then you have no problem.


Yes I just asked again. There will be no fees. But in my account is still holding that the sales is foreseen.


Then the booking is still booked, and your bank has not yet tried to execute it. As soon as that happens, the process will burst due to lack of coverage. So far nothing has burst there yet.


But there was a letter where it was written Due to the lack of or not sufficient account coverage we can the "SEPA direct debit from 19.08.2019 … Do not redeem…"


Then I think the indication "vorgescherkter sales" either for a bank-side error, because the turnover is already estimated with this letter as canceled. Or the bank understands this as a service and will soon try another redemption to save you the inconvenience that your direct debit will burst. However, I have not heard anything about such a procedure.

In your place, I would call your bank and ask, as you have the statement "sales earmarked" in the light of this letter to understand. This is something that only your bank can answer.

Especially in this case, you are not interested in the fact that this booking is still running, even if at the end of the month (or whenever) new money einpudelt, because Netflix has already signaled that they will not make faxes. So the money would just be lost.