Youtube advertising supports negative affirmations for the world (law of attraction)?


Anyone who knows the law of resonance / law of attraction (who does not know it ▶ ️ watch the secret eg on Netflix) knows that the subconscious mind hears everything and converts it into affirmations.

doesn't anyone notice that when millions of people hear that, they resonate?

most probably know the advertisements

example 1

"one of seven children has not enough food for a healthy life" from then on you can reel the advertising

Example 2

"Many coaches and consultants believe that their service is a breadless art" from then on you can reel

these advertisements come to me several times a day, millions of times with other viewers, with millions of videos. Do you really think that just goes past your subconscious?

Question: what is the intention?

Is it just stupidity, not knowing better or intention that you subconsciously instill such a mess?!

Ask for opinions


Those who are clever enough will find enough evidence in their environment that this alleged "law" does not exist and that the perception of the alleged connections is due to cognitive distortions such as or


Oh a great Wikipedia source. Are you the author


No. But according to your logic, if you say it 20 more times, I'll probably become the author. You can also read the terms in the university library if you are very skeptical.


So are you going to mess with Albert Einstein and Tesla, who both used the law?


If you take the "law" as a given, you can assume that everyone uses it. In this respect, this is not an argument for correctness.


Do you really think that just goes past your subconscious?

Yes, because I basically ignore advertising and everyone should know anyway that many children are hungry, that's nothing new.


Even if you want, the subconscious hears and reads everything. And with the subconscious mind, beliefs are created that then work. Any psychologist will be able to confirm this for you


That's not true. Beliefs are things you believe in. If you don't realize that they are irrational, then they are subconscious. If you think that so many children are starving, it won't do much to your life unless it is important to you. If it is important to you then help, if not, let it go.


If you really understand how the resonance law works, you will find enough information that you use it. Unfortunately without a plan, so it feels like it has no plan…


I don't believe everything I hear or read anywhere, no matter how often someone or any advertisement wants to hammer it into me.


Of course, but if you don't question it, the mind is bypassed. If you think about it, at least you have consciousness as a filter


Ever heard of collective consciousness?


The film "the secret" is superficial.

Watch the "cosmic law of resonance, documentation german" on Youtube


As I said - you can accuse everyone of using the law.

If I now think of the law "If you think of bread rolls, you will get sick later." I could also accuse every sick person of "Well, you just thought of bread rolls and used the law." As already mentioned; that does not prove the correctness of the law.


I already know that, a lot is repeated 👍🏼

It's like the continuation from the secret


Of course, advertisements are made in such a way that at the beginning they say something that should arouse interest.

Are you surprised?


The "collective consciousness" consists of the individual people. The people who "resonate" with the message in advertising do it, those who don't do it, they don't care. Advertising would be different if people didn't jump on it.


That's too high for him… I think he'll soon end up in the conspiratorial bubble. 😅


If you don't have your own opinion and are naive, you will definitely fall for it…


What do you think where the advertising budgets are going? Doesn't change the fact that this only targets people who have a strong impact anyway. There are people who just buy everything that was in advertising somewhere and who don't buy it just because it was in an advertisement… That used to be the case and today it is just better implemented. And that of course advertising videos are adapted to the 5 seconds advertising time is logical…


Believing in such supposed "laws" is a convenient way to shift responsibility to others. Anyone who thinks "One must not point out poverty because otherwise poverty will arise" concludes that it is best not to deal with problems at all.


That would be nice if it were. When a large group of people hear that, it resonates (just because of the crowd)


Arouse interest would be. But not if they are negative beliefs, that's not possible


That is definitely also possible… That would fit the Chema again. Dubious documentary and then it continues on Youtube.

It places a higher weight on the subconscious than the right conscious.


It is so!

The group consists of INDIVIDUAL people, some of whom have their own opinions and can't be influenced.


It is always individuals who hear this for themselves. The opinions of others often influence parts of our opinion, but that doesn't change the fact that each individual still decides for himself. That e.g. There are still hungry people in human nature, in their own interests, and not in any advertisements.


You really dealt with it. I use it to be conscious 25 years. Recently I "wished" for a free car when my old one was taken out of service by the TŰV. Well… I bought a used one… 2 years later, the garbage disposal goes onto the parked car.

I got more money than the car cost. The repair cost less than I thought, so I made the bottom line plus.

This is just 1 example out of hundreds…

The word "wish", which is always mentioned together, is not entirely correct. You have to formulate the wish as a question and really want the answer to this question… You don't have to like the answer…

… But to explain this in detail, for someone who doesn't believe it is wasted time.

… And everyone uses it… Mostly through subconscious questions…


It depends on which one you see first. I find this film more detailed.


You even take on a lot of responsibility. If you ask the question "how do you solve poverty in the world?" You get a lot of answers on how to do it. Most are just uncomfortable and are not used.


Suggestions can prevent it. And I only hear it because "I live consciously" with mindfulness. Those who live normally do not hear it and it reaches the subconscious without being filtered


I also live very consciously and listen to others very well, so I don't believe everything that others say. It has nothing to do with it.


Suggestions are just "suggestions" to the subconscious. If you live consciously, that's a good thing. Remember that when others decide for themselves not to focus their awareness on such things, we have no choice but to respect their decisions. If a genuine opinion on a topic is important to you and you deal honestly with it, you will also come to your own opinion.


I could also accuse every sick person "Well, you just thought of bread rolls and used the law."

Wrong conclusion! Because you hereby assume that every sick person has the cause of 'thinking about bread rolls'. This is a logical mistake. According to the law, everyone who thinks of bread rolls will get sick, but not everyone who is sick must have thought of bread rolls, but may also have been constantly thinking about cheese, salami or peas…

As already mentioned: You don't seem to understand the law of attraction in any way…


And so are reptiles.