How does the quarantine affect the psyche?


I've been home since the beginning of the Christmas holidays (December 14th) and only watch Netflix.
My hair looks abnormally bad and I'm so isolated already that I really don't think there are any other people out there


How it affects the psyche is different for everyone. Maybe it will do you good if you go for a walk in between!

Take care of yourself:-)


You have already noticed a few effects yourself.

Here are a few links:

Have a good time.


This affects weak personalities. You are not forced to just watch Netflix. You're just imagining that. You can do enough other things in the apartment.


So I'm at home since December 16, 2020 (short-time work) I don't see any hope anymore.
I also watch films but only meet a friend outside, talk about God and the world So my rhythm is on a ***. I do more with mom. Walk in the woods. But still I'm physically at the end. I'm used to getting up early, showering, getting ready for work…


It affects everyone differently. With some more than others.

You can still go out and meet a friend. You can turn your booth completely upside down, muck it out or simply do something good for yourself - and yes, that sounds trite.

The whole thing itself pisses me off, in the truest sense of the word.


It's extremely cold outside and with my currently long hair I don't like to be seen 😂


Tighten accordingly 😁. May also go straight to the door. You won't have the problem with your hair alone either