Sects. How does it work?


Saw Waco on Netflix a few weeks ago. I'm assuming that the series is the reality, as it is based on the records of an FBI negotiator and an ex member.

David Koresh has told his followers that sex is bad and that he would make the sacrifice of sleeping with his followers' wives and daughters (12+) and they agreed. Celibate life while David sleeps with your wives and daughters.

How is that Why are the followers participating?

Sexual abuse occurs in churches too, but at least not with consent. I can't imagine a Catholic community would agree if the priest announced that he would now take over the sexual duties of the community.

Why did that work with Koersh?


Cults thrive on brainwashing and threats. This is the only way something works.


Because it's a movie, and there may be "stupid" people too.


Threat? Looked like it was voluntary. Brainwashing is possible, but how? Not aware, like Scientology. Can be unconsciously brainwashed by charisma, but still, I can't imagine how this is supposed to work.

Unless, in reality, Koresh has communicated his wish with an armed bodyguard, then consent makes sense. But then the presentation on Netflix is wrong. By threat it makes sense, but as I said, none of the survivors said that Koresh had ever threatened them, and when questioned, he and his closest followers were all dead so the survivors would speak without fear of threats from Kadesh can


Yes, there are many stupid people. Also in my village, but none of them would accept anything like that. "Stupid" is not enough. There's something about how you can manipulate people, but I don't see what and how.

The fact that it's a movie doesn't change anything, it's based on facts. Koresh, his followers and lifestyle are facts. His death in Waco too


There are people who didn't need anything like what David Koresh could offer them. At some point they were dependent on him. And then the fear of leaving the community is overwhelming at some point.

And then conditions like Waco come into realistic proximity.


Maybe there were drugs involved too?


As a rule, sects have a charismatic leader.

The followers will join the cult before they learn things as you have described them.

Once someone is in a sect, he / she believes more and more in the dogmas of the community. The "brain" then no longer perceives such "abnormal" things or has reasons that suddenly sound right.

Church workers are like you and me. There are "black" sheep like in everyday life. Sexual abuse, which is to be condemned in any way, also occurs in private, in schools, in clubs. In front. The abuse is not seen as "normal" either there or in the church.