Can I watch 4k with 60fps with a 100Mbits line?


My question is whether I can watch YouTube, Netflix and Co. In 4k with 60fps or more with a 100mbits line? And whether it is enough for liquid 4k gaming with up to 120hz? Zbs. When the PS5 comes out, mfg Yannick


That's enough. But with the PS5 not necessarily jerk free. At the moment the console has problems with smooth 4k gaming.


That works from ~ 25Mbit / s (and the statistics were probably still with the old codec H264)
But it is not necessarily 60fps. Films are made differently

And what does your 4k "gaming" have to do with an internet connection?
The images don't have to be transmitted over the Internet.


So for gaming it is definitely enough, the graphics during gaming are made by the device from the data it receives via s wlan and it is also sufficient for 4K film.


100 Mbits are used for Netflix and co. Sufficiently. Note that not everyone supports 60fps

The Playstation 5, however, will probably not manage 4k with 120fps, so even a 100mbit line won't do you much


No, because films are only shot at 24fps, occasionally at 40fps, but that is an exception.


And you know how The system isn't even on the market yet…

Bo Ever heard of leaks?


Because leaks are always reliable, I can also say the PS5 is 20% faster than a 2000 euro PC, but that's not true, I doubt that you have already played with the console, let alone own one of the developer models.


Post not read mh? And besides, neither of you seem able to read. Nobody speaks of knowledge and facts here


If he watches an online stream, it has to do with the internet line, greetings go out


When I play online the line has to endure it when I play in 4k online


I read that in your link to it:

How likely is this claim? On the one hand, this is information that has not been officially confirmed. So you should generally exercise caution, on the other hand, there has been no really tangible indication that the PS5 would have performance problems. On the contrary - so far and its performance have been praised.


But you play on your system with you.


He writes "gaming". Not more.

This is only local at first. You can do what you want there


Right, but when I watch or stream 4K videos, the line has to pack it


Aha. Suddenly there's a requirement that you did not mention before!