Internet gone?


But somehow my internet isn't there either. Netflix, YouTube and Google work normally, everything else no longer works. When I want to go to other sites it looks like I don't have any internet. Lately it has often been that the internet was gone but completely and that for a couple of hours the next day it was mostly working again, but I've never had the internet only "halfway". Someone have an idea why that could be?


Which operating system do you have and what exactly does it look like if there's "no internet"?


Have you already tested another DNS? Cloudflare or Google would be valid options.


Then comes a white page where it says the website is not accessible with the sad smiley on chrome.error Connection Times Out.


I have no idea what that is or how it works


Are you ready to test it?


Yes, why not how? Everything was normal until a few minutes ago. Then I was kicked out of the Steam Battlenet etc all over the place


That would have been interesting to have known beforehand. Then it is very likely not the DNA.


But I know how to do it.


In your description of your problem, a few things are missing so that you can localize the source of the error.

How is your internet connection set up, do you use Wi-Fi? Which provider are you with? Have you checked errors in this? What is not working? Is it just the WWW that doesn't work or have other programs with a data connection also failed? Can you ping the failed services?


Och use the PC via LAN cable but can also test it with WLAN on the mobile phone. At the moment I was using the internet from the mobile phone provider on my smartphone. I'm at 1 and 1 and have checked their page and it usually says if there are problems but it says nothing. All programs that were connected to the Internet, Steam etc, are now offline and no longer work as I said, I can only google things YouTube and netflix and strangely enough, quite normally. I don't know what you mean by pinging