Is it possible to bilingual Netflix?


Hi, I have a question whoever is reading this, thank you in advance for your answer ^ - ^ So to the question my parents want to apply for a Netflix subscription, they want Netflix to be set to Polish… But I would prefer it to be in German I want to know whether you can also use netflix in two languages …

Have a nice day and thank you for taking the time to read my question and maybe to answer ^^


You can set the language directly for the films / series. For example, I watch everything in English and my parents in German.


You can set which language you want to watch it in for each series and film. However, there are very few series and films in Polish


You can set it to German on your devices and your parents can set it to Polish on their devices.

That is usually fine.


For films or series, you can individually set the language in which it is played. However, there are very few films and series in Polish.

But this should also be possible via the settings, maybe it's best to take a look there.

However, you can't apply for the Netflix of the Polish region, as Netflix uses your IP address to find out which state you are currently in, and you can only use the Netflix of the region in which you are currently located. Unless you use a VPN, you can use it to trick your location, but these are often revealed by Netflix and this could be fraudulent and have consequences for you.

Otherwise a mail to Netflix could help.