How can I adjust or evenly distribute the amount of data consumed by each device in the house?


Who does not know it? You download something on Steam with as much as 5 Mbit / s and you hardly start the download, the whole house is almost without internet. My parents are sitting in front of Netflix and all of a sudden, nothing works because I use all the data to do the download.

(We live in the countryside and get LTE internet from the telecom, which is pretty unstable. When tourists are on the road, we have virtually no network because the Telekom preferred the mobile customers.

now to the actual question:

can my father set up our routers to send only a certain amount of data to every one of them, and to divide them fairly if there are 3 pcs on the network, for example?

Thank you in advance and love Griss from the coast: ELEMENTAREMO


This usually works automatically


Depending on the router options, you can prioritize applications, more about this here: