How good is the pc?


Could you work normally with it (office, watch videos, Netflix, Dazn etc.)


Processor: AMD A8 7650K 3.30GHz FM2+

Mainboard: A68MD Pro Socket FM2+

RAM: DDR3 16Gb (2x8Gb)

Graphics card: MSI Geforce GT 740 2Gb DDR3

Hard disk: HDD Toshiba 1000Gb

Windows 10 pro 64-bit

DVD loudspeaker

What would it cost approximately? (Second hand)


Even for an entry-level PC, I would no longer want a PC without an SSD. At least a small SSD for the system and not so heavy games and then an HDD for the rest.

It depends on the price, 100, - would be OK for such a box. But I would rather invest a few euro in a current, new PC. You can benefit from this for longer.

Otherwise keep your eyes open for the moment, good offers always run up to 300, - where you have peace for 2-3 years.


The PC has no future, when it comes to the office with a few games I would rather use an SSD, preferably DDR4.

With regard to the graphics card, you first have to ask yourself what you want to play.

During your configuration you have dealt a bit with used PCs. If you can't get around DDR3, the best thing to do is to try an I5 / I7 from the 4th generation.


The CPU is more than outdated and (from today's perspective) hardly suitable for gaming.

And the built-in graphics card is a pure desktop graphics card and not a game graphics card (=> "GT", not "GTX").

The device can still be used quite well for all of the desktop tasks you mentioned.

However, I would still invest in a Sata3 SSD of 250 or 500GB. Win10 can then move to it.

The system start is massively accelerated and the general responsiveness is increased significantly.

And to make this old "treasure" a little more suitable for games, you could upgrade it with a used GTX 750ti (2GB), or (maximum) with a GTX 1050ti (4GB).

These two Grakas are currently (used) on eBay for roughly up to 60 euro or up to 120 euro. The price level there (at the moment) is slightly excessive…

I advise more on models with 2 fans.

A lot would then be possible again. However, no brand new (performance-hungry) games, because the hardware is simply too old for that.

And with the GTX 1050ti you should be careful to get a model that does not require a 6-pin power plug, if the power supply unit built into the PC does not have one (which is very likely here). => So no high-clocked "Asus GTX 1050ti oc Rog Strix", or comparable other manufacturers.

Here you can calculate a little how many FPS would be achievable with which hardware combination in various games (theoretically):

And you can get more suitable titles for old hardware at GOG. And you can find cheap offers in the constantly changing "weekly sales" or the large event sales ".

If you want to buy this device, 100 euro would be appropriate and up to a maximum of 150 euro "halfway reasonable".

But then another (roughly) 100 euro (1050ti) and 25-50 euro (SSD) are necessary.

You have to draw a line. Because for 350-400 euro you get (used) something much more modern.

For something "just up to date", but very solid, you would have to spend roughly 1000 euro:

=> AMD R5-3600 (6/12), B450 mainboard, 16GB DDR4 (3200MHz), GTX 1650 super (6GB), or RTX 2060 (8GB), 500GB SSD, 1-2TB Sata3-HDD

… Plus: FullHD monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers and other "little things".

I myself have something that is very old, like this "AMD A8":

Xeon E5450 (4x3GHz), 8GB DDR3, GTX 1050ti, 250GB SSD, 2x 1TB HDD (internal)

I can still play quite well with it at 1650x1050 (16:10).

Because I know what I can expect of this hardware and I have access to a lot of suitable games that still run very well with it.

But "modern" is (as mentioned above) something completely different.

Is my english okay? Fi Fictionpale99