Will Netflix withdraw money for the next month?


My question would be whether to pay as Netflix member for the next month or for the already past?

because I quit Netflix and I do not want to use it anymore. I have received the notice that I can use Netflix until 13.12 after that the termination is effective. On the 13th or 14th I was also always the money from the account booked, because I started my membership on this day of the month. That's how it was every month.

my question is now whether on 14.12 now still money is debited or I have quasi paid on 14.11 for this month?

I would appreciate an answer.


No, they will book for the coming month. So on 13.11. For the time of 13.11. Until 13.12. Then your cancellation is effective and you book from nothing.


Online services like Netflix are paid in advance.