Netflix curled up?


A few days ago a friend was with me, since I don't have Netflix, she logged into my TV with her account. When she left, she actually logged out again, but today I saw that she is still logged in. Can I watch Netflix now without you noticing? Does she get a message that another device etc. Is logged in? Or who is currently in your account? Does she see what I'm looking at?


Ask her if you can


You can look it up and I think it's pretty cheeky. It's a friend of yours, just ask her.


My little tip to you:

Ask her if you can watch.

And my answer:

She can see what series and films you've watched from the home page.


What's going on with you when she's a friend just ask instead of scrounging o.o what kind of friend are you? And she clearly sees what you've got into there.