Is it possible to cancel monthly as often as you like on Netflix?


With a Netflix streaming subscription you can cancel at any time at the end of the billing period. The data will be saved for another 10 months. In this time you can reactivate the old account. Otherwise you have to complete a new subscription with a new account.

Is it possible to terminate and reactivate Netflix as often as you like, or are there any clauses?


Not that I know of. I often did not cover my account enough and then it was simply canceled and I was able to reactivate it. Without anything happened.


Yes, I do that regularly. I have Netflix for a few months and when I feel like I've seen everything important, I quit.

If I feel that Netflix has something new, I reactivate the account.

I even had the luck, after a long break (almost a year), that I got another free month.


Do you want a bank account or a credit account? I would be interested to know what happens with remaining balance. From the Netflixhilfe I'm not smart. And the prepaid cards do not always fit exactly.