Good K- / C- / J-dramas?


Does anyone know good Korean, Chinese or Japanese dramas?

And where to look? I have Netflix and also viki

Most of all, which does not have an infinite number of graduations and followings and where the lessons do not take an hour!

Genre: main thing a nice story.

Something similar to "love 020", "A love so beautiful" and "accedently in love"


Hm, the short dramas (20-30-40 minutes ca) always have a lot of consequences.

Suspicious Partner / 20 minutes - 40 episodes
Thirty But Seventeen / 30 minutes - 32 episodes
Wednesday 3:30 PM / 20 minutes - 10 episodes
Slash Slash Love / 1 hour per episode - 2 episodes (more like a movie but so nice)

These are all short dramas that come to my mind. At the end one comes but also on 16 follow a consequence = one hour because in the first two above the consequence is then simply divided.
if you are still looking for drama the one hour go say. I know some.


So far you have so only cdramen enumerated I strongly assume that you a lot of cdrama looks


refresh one
Mr. Mermaid
the night of the comet


dream knight (there plays got7 (Kpop group) and the episodes are only 13 minutes or so)

that was my fav now so dramas if you have everything through you can write me again because I'm Chinese myself and a lot of cdrama look I know quite a few cdramen