Do you also have internet problems - cold to blame?


Every time the temperature drops below zero, I find that my internet is having problems. Late yesterday evening nothing worked, neither You Tube, nor Prime, nor Netflix. This morning it went partially again, but the resolution left a lot to be desired and now in the afternoon not much has changed. How about you, do you have such problems at the moment? Ps am with Vodafone


I think it's because of the rain. With me every time


It doesn't rain here, just cold. I think that the internet cables underground may not be able to withstand the cold, but that's just one of my theory.


No, have no problems with it. If you have problems with this, it is probably because of how you get online. Since everyone here has a different connection, you will probably only find a few who do the same. If someone is to help you with this one would have to know how to get online.


Am a Vodafone customer with a 50 mbit line, so I'm a little surprised because 50 mbit / s should actually be enough.


Vodafone has often had problems with the Internet supply. I'm also with Vodafone but have a cable connection with 1000 Mbit / s. Lately the telephony on my FritzBox fails for two hours.

I don't think it has anything to do with temperature. You would have to record that exactly.


Actually the other way round, the line resistance drops.

Besides, we're not really cold at the moment.

At this time of year we should normally have around 10 degrees less.


Have you tried the Vodafone Speed Test? It measures separately the speed from Vodafone to the modem and from the modem to the PC.


Very seldom even when I was at vodafone…

every now and then e.g. The other day in the morning we had a line fault. But that is maybe when it comes up 3 times a year or so. That can always happen.

to be honest, i'm less likely to rely on the cold itself than on the thaw and the associated rising water levels. Something can drown there.


Every time the temperature drops below zero, I find that my internet is having problems. Late yesterday evening nothing worked, neither You Tube, nor Prime, nor Netflix. This morning it went partially again, but the resolution left a lot to be desired and now in the afternoon not much has changed. How about you, do you have such problems at the moment? Ps am with Vodafone

Defective lines / distributors / digital technology that is outside of buildings & above ground, you have to contact Vodafone

Something like that already existed in villages where the insulated line is led via wooden masts (= overhead line


And the Telekom is laying more telephone cables above ground on masts as it is standard in USA (

Are you also to blame for Internet problems - cold

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Are you also to blame for Internet problems - cold - 1

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