Why can't I change the icon on the Netflix app?


Net Community

Today (or yesterday) I thought to myself that I should make my task bar and my desktop a little nicer (why not?). I actually wanted to change the icons of the individual programs in the task bar that I use, but one app still gives me problems: Netflix.

As you can see in the video, I was able to successfully change the logo of the Netflix shortcut, but as soon as it lands on the task bar, the icon changes back to the original version.

Could someone explain the problem to me and, if possible, suggest a solution? It seems to have worked with the other apps. This is Windows 10.

I thank you in advance


There are tools with which you can exchange icons. Such as http://www.door2windows.com/


In theory, you don't need any tools to exchange icons (see appendix).

For me, the problem is that it doesn't work on Netflix.


Well then you can theoretically imagine that you have already changed the icon.