Contract cheered by advertising call. How do I proceed?


Shortly after completing my new cell phone contract, I received an advertising call for my provider's paid streaming service. I declined the offer on the grounds that I already use Netflix and asked not to call me anymore.

However, this call resulted in a contract for the streaming service. Without my consent, the amount to be paid was debited from my account over 3 months.

My question now is whether someone has had similar experiences and whether I should consider taking legal action?


This has made your telephone provider "punishable". The way you describe it is a clear case. You can submit your complaint immediately, requesting the amount of money that was debited to you. If they do not respond, threaten a lawyer first. Sometimes that helps a lot. If it doesn't, hire a lawyer. It is inadmissible what they did!

It is best to keep everything in writing and keep copies as evidence of your complaint. I know that myself and did it as I described it. There was no need for a lawyer, so it worked. In any case, always veto, because that is sometimes a trick to fish people who put up with it, out of comfort and fear. This has happened to me more often, with different companies.


Would first try to clarify with your contract partner maybe there's a misunderstanding. Otherwise, your provider should be able to prove that you have given your consent to this contract.


And should I consider taking legal action?

If you had clearly rejected the telephone offer at the time and have never used these services to date, you should immediately contact the nearest consumer advice center with your problem.

They will then tell you whether and how you could best act against this rip-off (possibly even retrospectively).

In any case, first block the debit authorization for the external service from your mobile phone contract partner (if possible), or have a third-party lock set up there immediately if "Netflix" was already an integral part of your regularly closed mobile phone contract package.


Many thanks for your response.


With pleasure. Write what happened.