Hi, I've watched everything 100 times and I'm just bored please help me (have Netflix and Prime so most of it works)
I like the greenhouse academy
rising dion
the unlisted
these are my favorites
Ok, thanks I'll have a look.
If you like sitcoms, check out How I met your mother mother.
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have a look
Pretty Little Liars. You have to deal with it for a long time. Otherwise I would think of 3 meters above the sky, Never in my life and Circle. Maybe you don't know some of it yet 😚
So I think you've already watched Harry Potter, if not, they're currently free!
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have a look
But of course I'm a RIESEN fan.
"Everything felt like it was watched 100 times". What is "everything"?
You should have been looking for months…
Alternatively: How about reading a book from time to time? Or a series of books like "The Three Question Marks" or "Burg Schreckenstein" and thus encouraging your own imagination (the brain will be happy! Seriously!)?
Thank you very much, I happily read it often.