Do you know good series on Netflix to improve his Engl?


Today I had a long conversation with my teacher, where she talked with about improving my German and English grades. In English I have a strong vocabulary deficit, which according to a test corresponds to the A2 level (grades 7-8). Since I was generally recommended to watch Netflix series in English, after a few good questions I wanted to improve and enhance my sense of language and vocabulary.


Which series does not really matter, as long as there's not talked all the time with a fierce dialect. So I like to watch Black Mirror, Breaking Bad, Spartacus, etc. But do it best to the English audio German subtitles, I think then you learn that so unconsciously, was at least so with me.


Hm, I'm not too enthusiastic about the proposal.

The stupid thing is that although you build a lot of listening and passive vocabulary with the English-language series, that will not change your active vocabulary, your writing and language skills; that just needs practice.

I remember with myself: read scientific texts, feature films, series in English, all no problem. Do not really write either. To speak English? I can do that comparatively badly. Just never really practiced.

To remedy this, I'm now trying to talk to myself… If I'm driving alone or something, I imagine I would explain to an English-speaking guest how to live in Germany and what's here. No idea if what I'm saying is right… But it's at least a bit of practice.


On the one hand I use a learning program, but I also read English books and watch series / films… Meanwhile I'm quite fit in understanding, but otherwise I feel like you: when it comes to talking, I'm totally tense, think too much about or I'm not spontaneous… Still works very badly. The tip with the "self-talk" may therefore be quite good!


I write down all the words I've learned, first with the spoken language, then I look it up in my dictionary. I've considered English as LK you choose, but I'm really insecure.


Take series or movies that you already know. Then you know what it's about, and it's easier for you to remember which word is being used in which context. Take something like Harry Potter or anything else you've already seen in German


Yes, or you directly have the phone with Deepl or something similar.

Regarding English LK: On the one hand, you should make your choice of course primarily dependent on the fact that you can get the best possible grades. Because later on, you will usually be interested in your final cut and then maybe even the chosen courses (if you want to study something very specific).

However, my own experience in science studies is that you can't go on learning in (natural) science today without understanding English well. All recent publications are in English, if there's a teaching video, it is more in English, the professors do not see it, yet to translate their English-language information in German. Accordingly, if you do not necessarily want to study something purely German (law, German, …), I would urge you to thoroughly study English.

For Abi 2012, I had no choice, in at least one foreign language (and German + Math) you had to occupy NEN LK and take the exam. Since I was glad to finally get rid of French, only English remained (I would have chosen because of the importance of this language but also so).


I'm neither cramped nor do I think too much… I only lack the right vocabulary and the right pronunciation at the crucial moment.