How do you start to be a successful actor?


Since I was in kindergarten, I wanted to be an actor. Netflix has strengthened the whole will by a lot (Most of Stranger Things. I would love to play in Stranger Things, but the question is not only related to it now)

Now I wanted to ask how best to start. I'm also ready to practice every day.

It would be very kind if someone could explain to me how to start an acting career.

(I'm 13, but I don't really agree, you're still too young. '' I want to start now / if I have to, just start practicing)

I can speak English very well, but I still have to practice a bit in speaking fluently.


Don't try to be a successful actor, try to be a good actor.

Sounds silly at first, but very well-paid actors, especially when it comes to series, are mostly uniform today. A few, actors are really really good because they somehow understand that facial expressions and stress are elementary factors in order to be credible.
Being able to speak really well on its own is HUGE.

I partially watch series, see actors I have never heard of before and admire them because they are ingenious in terms of facial expressions and voice… And then there's a change of scene and you can see the guy who is maximal in all his films has three facial expressions and the woman who speaks as if she is reading her text for the first time.

In this sense… Do the world a favor and prefer to be a GOOD actor who might get a successful role at some point thanks to good connections… But unfortunately this is associated with considerable work.


If I were you, I would go to a theater group for the first time. You can use it to develop your talent. When the time comes, you can apply to a theater school and they will take an entrance test with you.


So you want to be an actor? I can imagine that singing lessons, an instrument and theater groups can be very useful.

If you have fun with something like that, you can check with the stations if they are still looking for extras. Or as a start just an audience that applauds. The important thing is: you are not fully competent. That means your parents / legal guardians must agree to this and sign the contracts.

And importantly: Success is not = good. But that's always a matter of taste anyway


Many thanks for the answer. How can I find such channels? When you start as an extra, what do you do afterwards? Will people looking for actors come by themselves or how do I do that? As an extra you don't have a very special role.