Addicted to Netflix?


I watch a lot of Netflix. My family and friends have often admonished me, I would overdo it. Unfortunately, I can't assess this. I watch 10 episodes per day about the Vampire Diaries. Is man already addicted? I ask for an answer from an expert.


On netflix there's only dirt lately


This does not answer my question.


As a psychologist, I would not interpret addictive behavior if you did not commit any illegalities just to keep looking.


That would be around 6.5 hours a day.

If you do this every day and it does not work anymore, it looks like addiction. There's no need for an expert.

But series can be addictive, so if you go through the whole series, that will probably be less.


You are obviously not an expert. I trust only the answer of an expert!


Thank you, I feel very much confirmed


Age that's easy: does it feel like it's too much? No? Then just keep going.

If you doubt if you're addicted or not (which you obviously do or you would not ask here) you might want to spend a little less time with Netflix and see how you handle it.

Over 6.5 hours a day is definitely too much. I do not need a psychologist or any other "expert" for that.


Addiction can't only be determined by how much you look. I also had phases, because I did almost nothing all day except to watch a certain series.

It becomes problematic if you neglect other things, e.g. Nothing more to do with friends, although you used to do that and just watch Netflix or missed important dates or do nothing more than watch Netflix, maybe even neglected, etc. All of these would be signs of addictive behavior, duration alone it is not yet.

Addicted to Netflix? - 1 Li Lindaaugustine
Series addicted? Vi Vivaan5